by ConnectChurch | Dec 30, 2019 | sermons
The fourth message in our Advent sermon series (Show Up) is based on John 1:1-5 and Hebrews 4:1-16. We will continue to see how Jesus showed up and how until He shows up again, His church must show up in this world. The message is entitled The Wreath and Rest. ...
by ConnectChurch | Dec 27, 2019 | sermons
Please join us as the Sunday school children lead us in a program entitled, “Tell Me the Story”. There will be a meditation by Pastor Brad.
by ConnectChurch | Dec 27, 2019 | sermons
As we continue in our Advent sermon series entitled Show Up, we turn to Matthew 1:20-21 and Hebrews 10:32-39 through a message called The Evergreen and Endurance.
by ConnectChurch | Dec 9, 2019 | sermons
We will continue on this second Sunday of Advent by turning to Luke 2:8-12 & Hebrews 12:7-13 as we continue in our sermon series called Show Up. The message is entitled Garlanded with Godliness.
by ConnectChurch | Dec 9, 2019 | sermons
We will center our worship around the parable of the Lost Son found in Luke 15:11-32 in a message called Anomia.
by ConnectChurch | Dec 9, 2019 | sermons
Advent is a season where we take time to look BACK with joy that Jesus has showed up to bring us salvation. Advent is also a time where we look FORWARD with anticipation to the day Jesus shows up again to finish His salvation work. This advent, we as church will...