I’m New
Come in Contact with Jesus through WORSHIP!
What time do I arrive for worship?
Our Sunday morning worship begins at 9:30 am. No matter what time you arrive, there is room for you here!
What do I wear?
People at Connect Church typically wear casual to business casual dress. We encourage you to wear what makes you comfortable. We do not focus on outward appearance but rather long for your heart to be focused on Jesus during worship.
What door do I enter?
We have many doors but recommend you use the RED double doors that face Liberty Street (south side). Elevator access is located on the north side of the church along with handicap parking.
What will I find inside?
We know that coming to a new church can be intimidating. We want you to feel welcome when you come through our doors. Our gathering and worship spaces are at the top of the stairs. You will be warmly welcomed by someone who can answer any question you may have.
What is worship like?
In the worship services held each Sunday, we are invited to meet and declare the greatness of Jesus Christ. At each service, you will find a variety of music (both contemporary songs and/or hymns) and instruments (guitar, piano, organ, keyboard, drums, etc.). You are encouraged to attend more than one service to get a feel of what worship at Connect Church is like.
Our worship is centered on the Bible. We encourage you to bring your Bible. If you do not own one, we will gladly provide you with a Bible to take home to keep, read and study. During worship, you are encouraged to freely and passionately express praise to Him in ways that are comfortable for you.
Our services typically last 60–75 minutes.
Are children welcome in the services?
Yes! We long for people of all ages to worship together and are comfortable with children of all ages being present in our services. If you prefer, we do have a nursery available in the basement for children up to 3 years of age. Our hospitality team can assist you with locating the nursery. We provide “Children’s Worship” each second and fourth Sunday of the month for children ages 3–5 years of age. These children are dismissed during the regular worship service for this age-appropriate time of worship.
What happens after the worship service?
After the morning service, there is a time of fellowship in the basement where coffee, juice, and treats are available. This is a time to meet, get to know, and check-in with each other. We would enjoy the opportunity to meet you and get to know you further.
Come into Contact with Jesus through DISCIPLESHIP:
Connect Church is a box where disciples of Jesus gather daily to engage in 30–40 minute WODS (WorkOuts of the Day) so that they are transformed by Jesus. This is done by intentionally training their heart and mind through the gospel of the cross of Jesus through the Bible and spiritual disciplines. Please check our calendar for times and check out what Cross Training is all about.
Connect Church desires for people to be connected to Jesus so that disciples are made, matured, and multiplied! Therefore, Connect Church trains disciples of Jesus to view disciple-making as a vocation so that they engage in loving discipleship relationships with the people God has placed in their lives. The goal is to build a team of disciples who encourage and hold each other accountable in making other disciples. Training occurs periodically throughout the year so check the calendar to see when the next team is being formed.