The Unfolding Mystery
In this series we’ll be hitting some of the highlights in the scriptural narrative of God’s work in the world, as witnessed to in the Old Testament. Join us as we discover or rediscover how the story of God’s redeeming work in Jesus begins loooong before the fulfillment of God’s promises in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. This may be a familiar story to you. But as familiar as the Story may be… it is one that never gets old! How could it get old when the Lord’s mercies are new every morning? For, as the Spirit unites us to Jesus and works his grace and love and hope into our souls, our very lives are drawn up into this great Story; which is finished and, yet, unfinished. So, as Sunday comes around again this next week, would you join me in praying for new eyes and ears? May God, in his mercy, let us read and hear this same old Story again, as for the first time. And may he use our time together in his Word to work mightily in and through us, to the praise of Jesus.