Audio Archive

3-8-2020 AM ~ “His Arrest -> Our Release”

We continue in our sermon series during the season of Lent (His -> Ours -> Joy!) by continuing in the Gospel of Luke by turning to Luke 22:47 in a message entitled His Arrest -> Our Release.

3-1-2020 AM ~ “His Prayer -> Our Care”

 We begin today a new sermon series because on Wednesday we entered a church season called Lent.  Lent is a 40 day season that is meant to prepare and point us to Jesus and His salvation work.  Therefore, this Lent season, we are going to turn to the section of Luke that records Jesus’ death and resurrection because here at Connect we want you to experience true joy which is only found in Jesus.  Since joy begins and ends with Jesus, our is series called His -> Ours -> Joy!


2-09-2020 ~ AM “Resolved to Reconcile”

We will continue to be a church who is resolved by turning once again to the book of Revelation.  The message, based on Revelation 6:9-11 is entitled Resolved to Reconcile.


2-2-2020 AM ~ “Resolved to Writhe”

As we continue in our sermon series based on the book of Revelation and the “Resolutions” of Jonathan Edwards, we will turn to Revelation 2:8-11 in a message entitled Resolved to Writhe

1-26-2020 AM ~ “Resolved to Repent”

As we continue to explore both the  book of Revelation and the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards in our sermon series entitled Resolved, we turn to Revelation 3:14-22.  The message is called Resolved to Repent.

1-5-2020 AM ~ “The Reason for Resolve”

As a church, we are going to make resolutions, and we will fight to keep it to build a Christ-like culture here at Connect. We will begin seeing The Reason for Resolve by turning to Luke 9:51-56 and Revelation 13:10.

12-25-2019 ~ “Boxing Day”

We will gather to begin celebrating Christmas celebrating that Jesus showed up to be with us so that, through His salvation from sin, we could be with Him forever!  During this service, we will close out our sermon series called Show Up, by turning to Luke 1:26-38 and Hebrews 6:7-12 in a message called Boxing Day.

12-22-2019 AM ~ “The Wreath and Rest”

The fourth message in our Advent sermon series (Show Up) is based on John 1:1-5 and Hebrews 4:1-16. We will continue to see how Jesus showed up and how until He shows up again, His church must show up in this world.  The message is entitled The Wreath and Rest.  


12-08-2019 ~ AM “Garlanded with Godliness”

We will continue on this second Sunday of Advent by turning to Luke 2:8-12 & Hebrews 12:7-13 as we continue in our sermon series called Show Up.  The message is entitled Garlanded with Godliness.


12-01-2019 ~ PM “Anomia”

We will center our worship around the parable of the Lost Son found in Luke 15:11-32 in a message called Anomia.


12-01-2019 ~ AM “Birthed Into The Body”

Advent is a season where we take time to look BACK with joy that Jesus has showed up to bring us salvation.  Advent is also a time where we look FORWARD with anticipation to the day Jesus shows up again to finish His salvation work.  This advent, we as church will focus in on the importance of both Jesus and His church showing up.  We will do this through a sermon series called Show Up and we will begin this series by turning to John 1:14 and Hebrews 10:19-25 in a message called Birthed into the Body.

Audio Sermon Archive